Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Stuff for January 27th

- T-Shirt Black Lantern Symbol 2 Lg/Med

- T-Shirt Braaiins Lg/XL

- Gelaskins 13 Inch Laptop Umbrella Academy

- Gelaskins iphone BTVS

- Gelaskins iphone UA Apocalypse Suite

- Gelaskins iphone Umbrella Academy

- Heroes of the DCU The Flash Bust

- Jungle Girl Statue

- Kill Dr Lucky Board Game

- Legend of Zelda Link 7inch Statue Zora Tunic Version

- T-Shirt Night of the Living Dead Lg/med

- Pac-Man Bonus Fruit Energy Drink

- Spider Man Comic Chain Wallet

- Star Trek Talking Communicator Keychain

- Super Mario Bros Coin Candy Tin

- Upper Deck MTG Deck Boxes

- White Plastic Title Dividers

- Wolverine Comic Chain Wallet

- Upper Deck Mana Symbol 9 Pkt Portfolio

- Atlantis Board Game

- Marvel Minimate Web Armor Spider Man

- Upper Deck Magic Deck Boxes

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Stuff for January 20th

- History of the DC Universe Series 3

- Marvel Minimates Series 32

- She Hulk Premium Format Statue

- Star Wars Clone Wars

- Chess game

- Slurm Energy Drink

- Heroscape D&D Master Set

- D&D 4th Edition Dragonborn HC

- D&D 4th Edition Underdark HC

- Zombie 2: Zombie Corpse Board Game

- Zombies 4: the End Board Game

- Buffy Glory Statue Tooned Up

- Marvel Emma Frost Premium Format

- LotR Ringwraiths at Weathertop Diorama

- Atari Joystick with Gum

- Simpsons Duff Mints

- Nintendo Controller Mints

- Pac Man Ghost Sours

Also, just threw up some pics of some of the statues we have in stock atm, if you see anything yummy, don't hesitate to call or stop by to get it !!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Stuff for January 13th

- Munchkin Card Game

- Gi Joe Cobra Officer

- Back in Black Spiderman Comiquette

- Star Wars Battle Packs

- Settlers of Catan Board Game

- Batman Black & White Lee Bermejo

- Evil Kitty Resin Figure Black Version

- Fighting Fantasy Monicas Axe PVC Statue

- Marvel Minimates Series 31 Assortment

- Wolfman Movie 7-inch Figure

- World of Warcraft Lich King Epic Stein

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Big Pete's Upcoming Magic Tournaments

Big Pete's
Magic the Gathering

Tournaments Upcoming

As you all may or may not know .. we hold FNM ( Friday Night Magic) every Friday at 6pm. Format is Booster Draft

We also have a few "Extra" Tournaments upcoming:

Saturday January 9th @ 12 noon - Foil Shards Block Draft

Saturday January 30th @ 12 noon - Worldwake Pre-Release Party

MTG: Worldwake goes on sale on Friday February 5th!! ( pre-order now for the foil box topper card !! )

Saturday February 6th @ 12 noon - Worldwake Release Party

EDH Tournament Sunday February 21st @ 12 noon

New Stuff for January 6th

- Classic Marvel Figurine Magazine #108 Manwolf

- DC Superhero Figure Collection Magazine Solomon Grundy

- DC Superhero Figure Collection Magazine Poison Ivy

- Ghostbusters Slimers Sours

- Green Lantern Symbol Hoodie XL

- Green Lantern Symbol 4 T-Shirt Lg/XL

- Ratchet & Clank Series 1 Figures

- Resistance Series 1 Figures

- Star Trek The Original Series Black Handle Phaser

- Star Wars Vehicles Collection Magazine #31 Escape Pod

- Star Wars Vehicles Collection Magazine #32 Attack Cruiser

- Star Wars Vehicles Collection Magazine #5 Star Destroyer

- Star Wars Vehicles Collection Magazine #6 Jabba Sail Barge

- TMP Sports NFL Series 22 Figures

- Zero No Tsukaima Tifania PVC Figure

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

We hope that everyone had a good 2009, and wish everyone the best for 2010!!


D&D Mini's Dangerous Delves Packs - $8.99