Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Stuff for January 20th

- History of the DC Universe Series 3

- Marvel Minimates Series 32

- She Hulk Premium Format Statue

- Star Wars Clone Wars

- Chess game

- Slurm Energy Drink

- Heroscape D&D Master Set

- D&D 4th Edition Dragonborn HC

- D&D 4th Edition Underdark HC

- Zombie 2: Zombie Corpse Board Game

- Zombies 4: the End Board Game

- Buffy Glory Statue Tooned Up

- Marvel Emma Frost Premium Format

- LotR Ringwraiths at Weathertop Diorama

- Atari Joystick with Gum

- Simpsons Duff Mints

- Nintendo Controller Mints

- Pac Man Ghost Sours

Also, just threw up some pics of some of the statues we have in stock atm, if you see anything yummy, don't hesitate to call or stop by to get it !!